
Monday, September 24, 2012

should a couple live together before getting married?

Should a couple live together before getting married? 

          There are many kinds of love. Some cases are one sided love and some are love at first sight but finally all of them are beautiful. People have different ways to show their love. Some Thai couples live together to learn each other which is not accepted by Thai culture. Couples in Thai culture have to marry before living together.

          Some of Thai couples are claimed that they live together before getting married in order to know more about each other. They preferred to live together for learning their partner’s habits and behaviors before getting married. If they can accept all things that would happen in someday, they would be a good couple in the future. For example, the man likes to have a cat as a pet but the woman likes to have a dog as a pet. The problem of this couple is their favorite pets which are not the same. However, there are other ways to know about those behaviors or even those habits that depends on Thai culture. Having a date is a good way to learn to know about each other. The behaviors and the habits would be explicitly expressed on a date to show the sincerity for other. If the couples express the sincerity to lover, they might be longer live in marriage exactly. Visiting the lover’s house is one great experience to know more about partner; moreover, it is a good time to have a relationship with lover’s family. Although living together before getting married is a chance to know more about each other, it is not appropriate for Thai people.

          The final argument proceeded by opponent of free lifestyle of modern people. They seem to be free in every states of life such as religion, sport, TV program, costumes, and even marriage. Some Thai couples who prefer to live together before getting married are presenting their freedom in living together which is not really free. The couples seem to ignore the culture which is all around them. They would like to live in the house where located in the society that unaccepted the way of life like this, so that make the marriage is not really free. The fact that, they live in Thai society where consist of environments of Thai culture, so they cannot decline at all.

          It should be evident that the arguments against getting married before living together are not valid. The couples in Thailand where is the land of peace and Buddhism have to get married before living together because of Buddhism’s way. The religion’s rules are the way of human life that is called custom. The custom which people always abide by condition gives the people the valuable culture. As we are Thai population, we have to make our culture valuable. Getting married before living together is one of the ways to promote our culture. Getting married before living together can protect the couple from blame, and it makes Thai culture valuable and is belong to Thai society forever.

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